Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.
1) The most important thing about me is I'm a Christian, and not the just-because-i'm-english-and-i-went-to-sunday-school-a-few-times sort. I think God is actually God - he is who he says he is. I want to live my life for God and with God in it, which he is, which is FANTASTIC.
2) i live in Blackpool with a Romanian host family, when i first came here i didn't like tea or peas but i was too scared to say, so i just ate them. now i eat a lot of stuff i didn't used to.
3) i click a lot : back, neck, shoulders, toes, fingers etc. i'm sure it'll be fine.
4) I love Benjamin Moss. a lot.
5) right now i have round my wrists; 2 purple hairbands, a PUSH wristband, a DOITFORGOD wristband which we made with the kids, a piece of rainbow ribbon which reminds me to pray for Aran, and some beads.
6) The greatest thing you can do with you life is love. The greatest expression of love is time.
7) i HATE having my hands wet. it FREEEAAKS me out. that means no baths, no washing up, no swimming pools.even just thinking about it is making me cringe. this i inherited this from my dad.
8) i cry a lot. happy, sad, frustrated, angry, relieved, films, when someone else cries. this i inherited from my mum
9) i really want to get married (i'm a bit obsessed with weddings, especially wedding dresses) and have a family, but i dont like babies (they're ugly and annoying and boring, they don't do anything fun) or the idea of having babies (it sounds very painful) , so i want to foster. not just for those reasons, also because i think it's an amazing thing to do especially after having me some amazing kids whose lives are horrible and i just want to rescue them all
10) i like winning. i dislike losing.
11) i forget things very quickly ... where i put things, what i'm supposed to be doing, what time it is, all sorts. i also forget it when i'm mad at people. this means i don't hold grudges. i think that God made me forgetful on purpose because i'm also stubborn so if i wasn't forgetful i'd be mad at people for a long time.
12) i fidget a lot, can't sit still for a long time. not even a short time, actually
13) i havent had my hair cut since i got to blackpool but i'm getting it cut in a coupla weeks! how exciting!
14) I LOVE Dr Who. i think its absolutely genius.
15) i don't like spongebob squarepants, mainly because everyone else likes it so i've never given it a chance.
16) i love germany and the german language, i think it's beautiful
17) i've never broken any bones. i got stuck up a tree once though. i got jack to go and tell my mum and dad, and they refused to come and help me (cruel and heartless parents that they are), so i sat up there til it got dark, then finally jumped down.
18) littlemoor is the best place in the world
19) i once lived in a makeshift slum for 5 days, and another time for 2 days. it was one of the most significant single experiences i've ever had, and it completely changed the way i live. check out http://www.soulaction.org/slumsurvivor/index.html
20) i want to care about the things that God cares about. get my priorities right. live for something worth living for.
21) when i was a kid my mum was a dancing teacher and my dad, at different times, worked in a theme park, directed a circus, and did technical stage stuff at a theatre type place. so i had a pretty fun childhood.
22) i'm the only non musical person in my family. terrible at singing. can't play anything. yep, reject.
23) BUT i was on top of the pops once! in the audience, and at one point i was standing next to ferne cotton when she was introducting the next band. my brother recorded over the tape of it when he was mad at me one time.
24) i love taking photos. ben thinks i'm addicted. he told me i have a problem
25) i love climbing things, and going on adventures, and dancing, and children, and outside, and laughing, and my beret, and my family, and my team, and church, and music, and weymouth, and mountains, and the sea, and lots of things