Thursday, 3 February 2011

If a job's worth doing

'If a job's worth doing it's worth doing well'

This is something that my parents instilled into us from an early age. Maybe it was just to ensure we did a good job of cleaning their car! But it is something that comes into my mind frequently. I often have bright ideas which I later regret, as they usually end up taking me hours and hours. One of these bright ideas was for us to hand make all of our wedding invitations.

Ben designed them - he's a genius. I don't want to give too much away, but there was an easy way of making them and a hard way. And doing it the hard way made them look a tiny weeny bit better. So of course we chose the hard way. The amount of times we have kicked ourselves for that decision!

They do look incredible :)

and yes, they took us hours ... and hours ... and hours.

Is it worth it?
Because if I'm going to put my name to something
It's going to be flipping good!
and if a job's worth doing
it's worth doing well.

Now, back to the stamping. These are being posted in the morning - even if I have to stay up all night!