This weekend, 16th - 18th November, is 3Generate! 3Generate is the annual Methodist Church Children and Youth assembly. This year over 250 children and young people aged 8-23 will be gathering at Whitemoor Lakes in Staffordshire to think, pray, worship, discuss and have fun. Topics include Big Questions, Bullying, Cohabitation, Mentoring, and Responsible Living.
We would really appreciate it if people across the Methodist Church and beyond could be praying for 3Generate. If you would like to do this, here are some prayer points to guide you:
1) Travel
Pray for safe and traffic-free travels for all the delegates, staff and volunteers, plus their chaufffeurs! Most will be travelling to arrive between 6 and 10 on Friday, although some will arrive later and we have some Saturday day delegates
2) Settling in
Pray that the delegates would settle in well and feel welcome, safe and comfortable, in particular the younger ones or anyone who is less confident or has not been away from home before
3) The team
Give thanks for all of the staff and volunteers who have worked very hard in the run up to the event and will have a busy weekend. Pray for energy and enthusiasm for each volunteer and staff member and that the team would be filled with the Holy Spirit and lead with a great love for the children and young people.
4) Youth President Candidates
Pray for the 5 Youth President candidates (Anna, Hattie, Paul, Sian and Tamara), during what might be a stressful, scary, exhausting weekend for them. Pray for them especially in the wake of the elections at 9am on Sunday morning - that those who haven't got the position would know the peace of God and know that He is proud of them and has good plans for them.
5) Meeting with God
Pray for every single child and young person to experience something of God over the weekend. Pray that their hearts would be opened to him, wherever they are at in their lives. Pray for the transforming love of God to be known deep down in the heart of each person at 3Generate. Pray that God's presence is with us and that He enjoys the weekend!
6) Voting
Pray for the election of reps and the voting on the resolutions on Sunday morning. Pray that the voices of the children and young people are heard and recorded fairly and effectively, and that in the future this will have a significant impact in the Methodist Church and beyond
7) Logistics and technology
Pray for the logistics of the event coordinated by volunteer logistic-super-genius Reuben and the technology coordinated by the volunteer tech-super-whizz Pete. Pray that it would all go smoothly with no stressful issues.
8) Safety
Please pray for safety and wellness for the whole weekend. That there would be no accident, injuries, illness or emotional or physical hurt. Pray that everyone would get along well. There are some adventurous activities on Saturday afternoon so pray particularly for safety and fun during these.
9) 3Generate non-attendees
Pray for those unable to come to 3Generate this year, who may be feeling disappointed. That they would have a good weekend wherever they are and connect with God in a different way, and that they would be able to come to 3Generate or one of the other options in the future
10) Going home
Pray that the children and young people would go home full of excitement and be able to have a great influence on their families, churches and communities. That what they have experienced over the weekend would have a lasting effect on their lives, and that it would spread out from them like ripples. Give thanks that God is continuing to be present in their lives. Pray that they would continue to grow and walk with Him.
Thank you so much to every single person who prays for us - your love and support is truly appreciated. Please do let me know if you are praying for us - it would be great to be able to let the children and young people know of the support our church family is giving us.