This is a sneaky peek at the beautiful bunting which my mum has made for the wedding. I think it's going to look completely lovely. I'm so pleased with it!
I have soooooo much to do, my head is buzzing and I'm finding it hard to get to sleep at night. Then in school at about 2pm I feel my eyelids drooping!
I need to:
- send my dress off to be cleaned
- finish wedding invitations
- find out addresses
- find bridesmaid dresses
- find flower girl dresses
- arrange bar
and about a million other things - but those are the main ones at the minute.
I LOVE planning and organising but it's getting to be a bit 24/7! Not loving that so much.
Yes- Delegation IS the key to leadership!! Feel free to delegate in my direction- I must live vicariously through other people's wedding plans as I don't ever plan to do this again! xxx